Emergency Response Spill Kits are vital to ensuring your business operates safely when handling fuel oils or almost any kind of spill in fact. Birmingham Fuel Oils can supply you with an all purpose essential emergency spill kit that complies with EA guidelines and legislation and assist with ISO 14001 compliance standards.
These spill kits are ideally for use with oil coolant, water detergent and mild chemical solution spills and are known as Maintenance spill kits. Also available are Chemical spill kits for acids, caustics and corrosive chemical spills. Finally Oil spill kits are also available for hydrocarbon spills (such as kerosene oil or diesel oil) and also lubricants, paints and solvents.
Each spill kit pack contains easy to follow instructions, contents check lists, re-order sheets and an emergency call out number just in case you may need assistance with the incident.