Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Emergency Spill Kits

If you are looking for emergency spill kits to ensure your home or business is safe and prepared for every eventuality, then Birmingham Fuel Oils will be able to supply you with the equipment you need for all residents across the united kingdom. While based in west midlands Birmingham, they supply nationwide services and deliveries including "off shore" residents that would otherwise find it more difficult to obtain services.

Maintenance spill kits are for oil coolants, water, detergents and mild chemical solutions. Chemical spill kits for acids, caustics and corrosive chemicals. Oil spill kits for hydrocarbons - diesel, petrol, oil based paints, lubricants and solvents

Spill kits can help you to be ready for any emergency so don't be caught without.

1 comment:

  1. great blog! thanks for informing us about this kind of stuff for the society. red diesel
